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Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Journal of Solid State Chemistry

Volume 32
Main Index

Issue 1, Pgs 1-135, (15 March, 1980)

Un oxyde magnetique bidimensionnel: CaLaFeO4
Pages 1-8
M.M. Nguyen-Trut-Dinh, M. Vlasse, M. Perrin, G. Le Flem
Some new observations on the luminescence of PbMoO4 and PbWO4
Pages 9-20
J.A. Groenink, G. Blasse
Les conducteurs ioniques NaxYxZr1−xS2
Pages 21-27
O.Abou Ghaloun, P. Chevalier, L. Trichet, J. Rouxel
Closest packing in dense oxides: The structure of a polymorph of Co3(AsO4)2
Pages 29-40
R. Gopal, J.S. Rutherford, B.E. Robertson
Phase equilibria for the system Fe0.394-Ti0.606-O-S at 1380 and 1485 K
Pages 41-50
Ian E. Grey, Richard R. Merritt
Ionic conductivity of superionic conducting glasses in the pseudobinary system AgI-Ag2MoO4
Pages 51-55
Tsutomu Minami, Masami Tanaka
Endothermic decompositions of inorganic monocrystalline thin plates. I. Shape of polycrystalline product domains versus constraints and time
Pages 57-66
G. Bertrand, M. Comperat, M. Lallemant, G. Watelle
Coherent interfaces: Efficient boundary conditions in solid state reactivity. Study in V2O5-AlNbO4, V2O5-GaNbO4, and V2O5-TiNb2O7 systems
Pages 67-76
J.G. Eon, P. Courtine
Transformation of three-connected silicon in BaSi2
Pages 77-86
Jürgen Evers
Pulsed NMR study of NH4+ β-alumina
Pages 87-95
R.C.T. Slade, P.F. Fridd, T.K. Halstead, P. McGeehin
A study of the new cubic, ordered perovskites BaLaMRuO6 (M = Mg, Fe, Co, Ni, or Zn) and the related phases La2MRuO6 (M = Mg, Co, Ni, or Zn) by 99Ru Mössbauer spectroscopy and other techniques
Pages 97-104
Inmaculada Fernandez, Robert Greatrex, Norman N. Greenwood
Electrical properties and defect structure of rutile slightly doped with Cr and Ta
Pages 105-113
Eiji Tani, Jean François Baumard
Observation par r.p.e. de l'effet d'un traitement thermique en atmosphère réductrice sur l'état d'oxydation du manganèse dans les solutions solides (La2O3)1−x-(CeO2)x
Pages 115-118
N. Ferrer-Anglada, G. Bacquet
Evidence for proton pairs in γ-AIOOH (boehmite) from NMR absorption spectra
Pages 119-122
R.C.T. Slade, T.K. Halstead
Pages 123,125-126
New pyrochlores of the charge-coupled type: R. A. McCauley and F. A. Hummel. Department of Ceramics, College of Engineering, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Piscataway, New Jersey 08854
Page 127
Superconductivity of some transition metal compounds: A. Norlund Christensen, S. E. Rasmussen, and G. Thirup. Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Aarhus University, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Page 127
Calorimetric investigation of the ferroelectric 43m-mm2 phase transition in boracite crystals: M. Delfino, G. M. Loiacono, W. A. Smith, and P. S. Gentile. Philips Laboratories, Briarcliff Manor, New York 10510
Page 127
Intergrowth in complex bismuth oxides, Bi2CaNan−2NbnO3n+3 (n = 5 ∼ 8), revealed by 1-MV high-resolution electron microscopy: Shigeo Horiuchi, Kunitaka Muramatsu, and Masaji Shimazu. National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Sakura-mura, Niihari-gun, Ibaraki, 300-31 Japan
Page 127
The structure of the 27-layer polytype of BaCrO3: Paul S. Haradem, Bertrand L. Chamberland, and Lewis Katz. Department of Chemistry and Institute of Materials Science, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut 06268
Pages 127-128
Neutron diffraction experiments on CsCrI3 at 300, 77, and 1.2°K: H. W. Zandbergen and D. J. W. Ijdo. Gorlaeus Laboratories, University of Leiden, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Page 128
X-ray study of the ordering of the alkali ions in the intercalation compounds NaxTiS2 and LixTiS2: Tjipke Hibma. Brown Boveri Research Center, CH-5405 Baden-Dättwil, Switzerland
Page 128
Studies of layered uranium (VI) compounds. III. Structural investigations of hydrogen uranyl phosphate and arsenate tetrahydrates below the respective transition temperatures of 274 and 301°K: Mark G. Shilton and Arthur T. Howe. Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Pages 128-129
Studies of layered uranium (VI) compounds. IV. Proton conductivity in single-crystal hydrogen uranyl phosphate tetrahydrate (HUP) and in polycrystalline hydrogen uranyl arsenate tetrahydrate (HUAs): Arthur T. Howe and Mark G. Shilton. Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Page 129
Topotaxial decomposition of calcite-type KNO3 crystals: S. W. Kennedy and W. M. Kriven. Department of Physical and Inorganic Chemistry, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, Australia
Page 129
Structure cristalline de la phase β-KEr2F7 composés isotypes: S. Aleonard, Y. Le Fur, M. F. Gorius et M. Th. Roux. Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS 166X-38042 Grenoble Cedex, France
Page 129
Thermodynamische untersuchungen am system CoO/MgO: K. Torker und W. Inselsbacher. Institut für Physikalische und Theoretische Chemie, Technische Universität Graz, A-8010, Austria
Pages 129-130
Endothermic decompositions of inorganic monocrystalline thin plates. II. Displacement rate modulation of the reaction front: G. Bertrand, M. Comperat, and M. Lallemant. Laboratoire de Recherches sur la Réactivité des Solides, Faculté des Sciences Mirande, B.P. 138, 21004 Dijon Cedex, France
Page 130
An unusual technique for the study of nonstoichiometry: The thermal emission of electrons. Results for Y2O3 and TiO2: Phillippe Odier and Jean-Pierre Loup. Centre de Recherche sur la Physique des Hautes Temperatures, 1D, avenue de la recherche scientifique, 45045 Orleans Cedex, France
Page 130
99Ru Mössbauer spectra of quaternary ruthenium (V) oxides with the hexagonal barium titanate structure: Immaculada Fernandez, Robert Greatrex, and Norman N. Greenwood. The University of Leeds, Department of Inorganic & Structural Chemistry, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Page 130
The reaction of cubic sodium tungsten bronzes, NaxWO3, with metallic iron: I.J. McColm and S.J. Wilson. School of Industrial Technology, University of Bradford, Bradford 7, England
Pages 130-131
NMR study of hydrogen molybdenum bronzes: H1.71MoO3 and H0.36MoO3: R. C. T. Slade, T. K. Halstead, and P. G. Dickens. Department of Chemistry, University of York, Heslington, York YO1 5DD, England
Page 131
Crystal structures of some niobium and tantalum oxides. VIII. The 5Rb2O : 14.6Ta2O5 phase—A tunnel structure: G. D. Fallon and B. M. Gatehouse. Department of Chemistry, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3168, Australia
Page 131
Ion exchange properties of β-eucryptite (LiAlSiO4): EPR investigation on copper-doped single crystals: Jean-Louis Berchot, Daniel Vivien, Didier Gourier, Jeanine Thery, and Robert Collongues. Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquee dé l'état Solide, 11, Rue P. et M. Curie 75231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Page 131
Ferrimagnetism in the rare earth titanium (III) oxides, RTiO3; R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm: Carl W. Turner and J. E. Greedan. Institute for Materials Research and Department of Chemistry, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, L8S 4M1, Canada
Pages 131-132
Thermodynamics of hydrogen trapping in intermetallic compounds: Application to LaNi5/H: Ted B. Flanagan, C. A. Wulff, and B. S. Bowerman. Department of Chemistry, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont 05405
Page 132
Lead phosphate apatites substituted by rare earth, sodium, and potassium ions: I. Mayer, A. Semadja, and V. Weiss. Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel
Page 132
Neutron diffraction study on the mechanism of the topotactic reduction of 2H-TaS2 electrodes: C. Riekel, H. G. Reznik, and R. Schöllhorn. Anorganisch-chemisches Institut der Universität, Gievenbecker Weg 9, 4400 Münster, West Germany
Pages 132-133
Electronic properties of semiconducting Cd2GeO4: E. R. Whipple, S. N. Subbarao, and F. P. Koffyberg. Department of Physics, Brock University, St. Catherines, Ontario L2S 3A1, Canada
Page 133
Uber geordnete Perowskite mit Kationenfehlstellen. V. Verbindungen der Zusammensetzung A2+2B3+U6+5616O6: G. Rauser und S. Kemmler-Sack. Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Universität Tübingen Aug der Morgenstelle 18, D-7400 Tübingen, Germany
Page 133
Preparation and characterization of compounds of the system Fe(Sb1−xTex)2(0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0): G. Yamaguchi, M. Shimada, M. Koizumi, and F. Kanamaru. The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan
Page 133
Electrical transport properties of a nonstoichiometric rare earth sulfìde, EuGd2S4: Mineo Sato, Gin-Ya Adachi, and Jiro Shiokawa. Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka University, Yamadakami, Suita-shi, Osaka-fu, 565 Japan
Page 133
Mössbauer spectroscopic study of γ-ray-irradiated potassium borate glasses: Tetsuaki Nishida, Yoshimasa Takashima, and Yusuke Nakayama. Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyushu University 33, Hakozaki, Higashiku, Fukuoka, 812 Japan
Page 134
Solid state decomposition studies on fluoroperoxo species of transition metals. IV. Photodecomposition of K3Zr2(O2)2F7 · 2H2O: G. V. Jere and S. M. Kaushik. Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi-110029, India
Page 134
High-pressure/high-temperature phase relations and vibrational spectra of CsSbF6: W. H. J. De Beer, Anton M. Heyns, P. W. Richter, and J. B. Clark. National Physical Research Laboratory, P.O. Box 395, Pretoria, South Africa
Page 134
Silver β″-alumina: A. Kahn, Ph. Colomban, and J. P. Boilot. Laboratoire de Chimie Appliquée de l'Etat Solide, 11, rue P. et M. Curie 74231 Paris Cedex 05, France
Page 134
Untersuchung von alkaliantimonaten des typs MeISbVO3 · 16MeIF mittels dielektrischer spektroskopie: U. Staudt und G. Schön. Universität Essen GHS, Fachbereich 8 Chemie, Teilbereich Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, D-3400 Essen, Germany
Page 134
A new alkali-metal titanotantalate, KTi2Ta5O17—A compound that exhibits the “chemically twinned” rutile structure: B. M. Gatehouse and M. C. Nesbitt. Chemistry Department, Monash University, Clayton, Victoria, 3168 Australia
Pages 134-135
An experimental and theoretical study of crystals of calcium fluoride doped with alkali metal cations: P. W. M. Jacobs S. H. Ong, A. V, Chadwick, and V. M. Carr. Department of Chemistry, University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario N6A 5B7, Canada
Page 135
Defect structures in the brannerite-type vanadates. I. Preparation and study of Mn1−xфxV2−2xMo2xO6 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.45): Roman Kozlowski, Jacek Ziolkowski, Krzysztof Mocala, and Jerzy Haber. Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Niezapominajek, 30-239 Krakow, Poland
Page 135
Electric properties of ferromagnetic La1−xSrxCoO3 (0.5 ≤ x ≤ 0.9): H. Taguchi, M. Shimada, and M. Koizumi. The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan
Page 135

Issue 2, Pgs 137-258, (April, 1980)

Crystal and magnetic structure of the planar ferromagnet CsMnF4
Pages 137-143
W. Massa, M. Steiner
The (CO3Li)2−single bondLi+ defect in synthetic calcite: Wave function and model
Pages 145-150
Gerard Bacquet, Larbi Youdri, Lars O. Andersson
La3,5Ru4O13: Un nouveau compose´a`feuillets de type pe´rovskite
Pages 151-160
Francis Abraham, Jacques Trehoux, Daniel Thomas
A layer structure: The titanoniobate CsTi2NbO7
Pages 161-165
M. Hervieu, B. Raveau
Syste`me Tl2Osingle bondGeO2 ete´tude structurale des germanates de thallium(I)
Pages 167-176
Marcel Touboul, Yves Feutelais
Pre´paration chimique et structure cristalline de l'iodate d'argent AgIO3
Pages 177-180
Rene´ Masse, Jean Claude Guitel
High-resolution electron microscope observations of β‴′-alumina prepared in a Na2Osingle bondMgOsingle bondAl23 system
Pages 181-184
Yoshio Matsui, Shigeo Horiuchi, Takao Ohta
Transition probabilities of europium(III) in zirconium and beryllium fluoride glasses, phosphate glass, and pentaphosphate crystals
Pages 185-192
B. Blanzat, L. Boehm, C.K. Jørgensen, R. Reisfeld, N. Spector
A comparative study of La3+single bondFi complexes in threeMF2 fluoride crystals
Pages 193-199
S.H. Ong, P.W.M. Jacobs
Metal distributions in Al∼1.1Be∼0.6B22 of α-AlB12 structure type
Pages 201-212
Iwami Higashi
The ternary systems: Crsingle bondAlsingle bondC, Vsingle bondAlsingle bondC, and Tisingle bondAlsingle bondC and the behavior of H-phases (M2AlC)
Pages 213-219
J.C. Schuster, H. Nowotny, C. Vaccaro
The elastic strain energy of crystallographic shear planes in reduced tungsten trioxide
Pages 221-231
E. Iguchi, R.J.D. Tilley
New titanium dioxide bronze with partially ordered arrangement of sodium ions
Pages 233-238
M. Watanabe, E. Watanabe
Rare earth hydrides formed by reaction of rare earth metals with water vapor
Pages 239-243
H.K. Smith, A.G. Moldovan, R.S. Craig, W.E. Wallace, S.G. Sankar
Electrical resistivity of hexagonal tungsten bronzes
Pages 245-247
Armando R. Aristimu˜no, H.R. Shanks, G.C. Danielson
Page 249
Partial decomposition of dolomite in CO2: H. Hashimoto, E. Komaki, F. Hayashi, and T. Uematsu, Faculty of Engineering, Chiba University, Yayoicho, Chiba-shi, Japan
Page 251
Solid-state reaction between thallous carbonate and 8-hydroxyquinoline: N. B. Singh, R. P. Singh, J. Singh, and H. C. Singh, Department of Chemistry, University of Gorakhpur, Gorakhupur (U.P.), India
Page 251
Resonance paramagnetique electronique du centre F+ dans les fluorapatites carbonatees de type B: Gerard Bacquet, Vo Quang Truong, Gilbert Bonel, and Mireille Vignoles, Laboratoire de Physique des solides, CNRS, Universite´Paul Sabatier, 31077 Toulouse Ce´dex, France
Page 251
P-T-X phase equilibrium study of new solid solution systems,Cd1−xMxS(M =Mg, Ca, Sr): Toshio Kobayashi, Kenzo Susa, and Satoshi Taniguchi, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo 185, Japan
Page 251
Etude cristallochimique comparee et conductivite electrique de deux tellurates mixtes:AgxNa2−xTe2IVTe3VIO14(x = 0, 4) et K2TeIVTe3IVO12: Waloejo Loeksmanto, Jacques Moret, Maurice Maurin, and Etienne Philippot, Laboratoire de Chimie Mine´rale C, Universite´des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc, Place Eugene Bataillon, 34060 Montpellier Cedex, France
Page 251
Mo¨ssbauer57Fe spectra exhibiting “ferrous character”: G. A. Fatseas and John B. Goodenough, Laboratoire de Chimie des Solides, CNRS, 2 rue de la Houssiniere, 44072 Nantes Cedex, France
Pages 251-252
Etude de la conductivite ionique des hydrurofluorures CaF2−xHx: Remi Leveque, Michel Zanne, Denise Vergnat-Grandjean, and Jean-Francois Brice, Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide Mine´ral, Universite´de Nancy I, 54037 Nancy Cedex, France
Page 252
A kinetic study of oxidation of praseodymium oxides: PrO1.714 + 0.032 O2 → PrO1.778: H. Inaba, S. P. Pack, S. H. Lin, and L. Eyring, Department of Chemistry, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona 85281
Page 252
Tetragonal-to-cubic transformation of hausmannite: Emil Pollert, Institute of Physics, Czechoslovak Academy of Science, Na Slovance 2, 180 40 Praha 8, Czechoslovakia
Page 252
Magnetism and phase relations of the PrAl2single bondCaAl2, GdAl2single bondCaAl2 systems: Tomas Rivillo and W. E. Wallace, Department of Chemistry, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Pages 252-253
Crystal structure and magnetic properties of Ba2Ni3F10: M. LeBlanc, G. Ferey, and R. de Pape, Laboratoire des Fluorures et Oxyfluorures Ioniques, Route de Laval, 72017 Le Mans Cedex, France
Page 253
Infrared spectrum of several double oxides with corundum structure resulting from the transformation of lacunar γ phases with a spinel structure: B. Gillot, F. Bouton, F. Chassagneux, and A. Rousset, Laboratoire de Recherches sur la Re´activite´des Solides, BP 138, 21004 Dijon, Cedex, France
Page 253
Preparation and Mo¨ssbauer effect ofCr1−xFexOOH(0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) with the InOOH-type structure: K. Yabuta, N. Kinomura, M. Shimada, F. Kanamaru, and M. Koizumi, The Institute of Scientific & Industrial Research, Osaka University, Osaka 565, Japan
Page 253
Synthese et caracterisation cristallographique et physique d'une serie de composes ACu3Ru4O12 de type perovskite: M. Labeau, B. Bochu, J. C. Joubert, and J. Chenavas, Laboratoire de Ge´nie Physique, ENSIEG, BP 46, 38402, Saint-Martin-D'Heres, France
Page 253
Crystal structure of Na3PCr3O13 · 3H2O, a new type of chromophosphoric anion: M. T. Averbuch-Pouchot, A. Durif, and J. C. Guitel, Laboratoire de Cristallographie, CNRS 166X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France
Page 253
Semiconductivity, optical properties, and EPR spectra of phenothiazine derivatives in the solid state: A. Ortiz, J. I. Ferna´ndez-Alonso, A. Pardo, and J. Llabres, Departamento de Quimica-Fi´sica y Qui´mica Cua´ntica, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Cantoblanco, Madrid, 34, Spain
Pages 253-254
Paramagnetic defects in α-WxV2O5: Jacques Livage, Chakib R'Kha, Dominique Ballutaud, and Jean-Claude Grenet, Spectrochimie du Solide, Universite´Paris VI 4, place Jussieu, Paris 5e, France
Page 254
Investigation of the surface composition of NiOsingle bondMgO solid solutions by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy: A. Cimino, B. A. De Angelis, G. Minelli, T Persini, and P. Scarpino, Laboratori Richerche di Base, Assoreni, 00015 Monterotondo, Roma, Italy
Page 254
The structure of orthorhombic Na2Ti9O19, a unit cell twinning of monoclinic Na2Ti9O19, determined by 1-MV high-resolution electron microscopy: Yoshio Bando, Mamoru Watanabe, and Yoshizo Sekikawa, National Institute for Researches in Inorganic Materials, Sakura-mura, Niiharigun, Ibaraki 300-31, Japan
Page 254
Metal telluromolybdates of the type MTeMoO6: P Forzatti and P. Tittarelli, Stazione Sperimentale per i Combustibili, 20097 S. Donato Milanese (Milano), Italy
Page 254
Ba3WFe2O9 (P63mmc) and Ba3WFe2O8.42(5) (Fm3m): Comparative study of the crystallographic and magnetic properties: G. Matzen and P. Poix, De´partement Science des Mate´riaux, 1, rue Blaise Pascal, B.P. 296/R8, 67008 Strasbourg Cedex, France
Page 254
Studies on the compounds in Basingle bondFesingle bondS system. I. Linear chain antiferromagnetism of Ba2FeS3 and related compounds Ba2CoS3 and Ba2MnS3: N. Nakayama, K. Kosuge, S. Kachi, T. Shinjo, and T. Takada, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606, Japan
Page 255
Synthesis ofBa(V1−xTix)S3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) compounds and their structural transitions: T. Wada, M. Shimada, and M. Koizumi, The Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University, Suita, Osaka 565, Japan
Page 255
Lattice dynamics and hyperfine interactions of the intercalation compoundsFexTiS2 (x =1/4,1/3,1/2) andFe1/3NbS2 from57Fe Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy: Motomi Katada and R. H. Herber, Department of Chemistry, Rutgers, The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903
Page 255
Synthesis and structural study of the new rare earth magnesium boratesLnMgB5O10(Ln =La … Er): Bernadette Saubat, Marcus Vlasse, and Claude Fouassier, Laboratoire de Chimie du Solide CNRS, Universite´de Bordeaux I, 351 cours de la Libe´ration, 33405 Talence, Cedex, France
Page 255
The ionic model applied to vacancy ordering in NaCl-type materials: Hugo F. Franzen and Jean A. Merrick, Ames Laboratory-DOE and Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011
Page 255
Comparison des champs de force des niobates, tantalates, et antimoniates de structure columbite et trirutile: E. Husson, Y. Repelin, and H. Brusset, Laboratoire de Chimie et Physico-Chimie Minerales, Institut de Chimie, Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures, 92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France
Pages 255-256
The crystal structure ofAgTlX phases (X =S, Se, Te): J. C. Tedenac, B. Gardes, G. Brun, E. Philippot, and M. Maurin, Laboratoire de Chimie Minerale C, Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc Place E, Bataillon-34060 Montpellier Cedex, France
Page 256
High-pressure synthesis of rock salt-type CdS using metal sulfide additives: Kenzo Susa, Toshio Kobayashi, and Satoshi Taniguchi, Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo 185, Japan
Page 256
A study of magnetic interactions inM2EuRuO6 (M =Ca, Sr, Ba) by151Eu Mo¨ssbauer spectroscopy: T. C. Gibb and R. Greatrex, Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, The University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Page 256
Ionic conductivity in sodium, potassium, and silver β″-alumina: Jacqueline L. Briant and Gregory C. Farrington, General Electric Corporate Research and Development, P.O. Box 8, Schenectady, New York 12301
Page 256
Electrical, magnetic, and EPR studies of the quaternary chalcogenidesCu2AIIBIVX4 prepared by iodine transport: L. Guen and W. S. Glaunsinger, Laboratoire de Chimie des Solides, Faculte des Sciences, Universite de Nantes 44072 Nantes Cedex, France
Page 256
Structure and Jahn-Teller effect in mixed crystals Rb2Cr1−xMnxCl4—A single crystal neutron diffraction study and spectroscopic results: G. Mu¨nninghoff, W. Treutmann, E. Hellner, G. Heger, and D. Reinen, Fachbereich Chemie der Philipps-Universitat, D-3550 Marburg 1, Germany
Page 257
Stereochemical active (5s)2-lone paris in the structures of α-InCl and β-InCl: C. P. J. M. van der Vorst and W. J. A. Maaskant, Gorlaeus Laboratoires University of Leiden, P.O. Box 9502, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Page 257
A kinetic study of the system γ-AlOOHsingle bondAl2O3: S. J. Wilson and J. D. C. McConnell, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England
Page 257
Shape effects on crystallite-size distributions in synthetic hematites from X-ray line-profile analysis: P. H. Duvigneaud and R. Derie, Chef de Travaux, Service de Chimie Industrielle et de Chimie des Solides, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Page 257
Electrical ionic conductivity and optical absorption studies on superionic compound RbAg4−xCuxI5 films: K. Hariharan, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras—600 036, India
Page 257
Studies of layered uranium (VI) compounds. V. Mechanisms of densification of hydrogen uranyl phosphate tetrahydrate (HUP): Pressure-induced planar glide, and solution phase sintering: Peter E. Childs, Arthur T. Howe, and Mark G. Shilton, Department of Inorganic and Structural Chemistry, University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, England
Page 258
Electrical conductivity as a method to study kinetics of solid-state reactions: Jerzy Haber and Irena Ok`on´ska-Kozlowskav, Institute of Catalysis and Surface Chemistry, ul. Niezapominajek, 30-239 Krako´w, Poland
Page 258
Chemical stability of complexes of iodine with 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl and naphthalene: S. Aronson, J. Klahr, and L. Stemp, Department of Chemistry, City University of New York, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York 11210
Page 258

Issue 3, Pgs 259-392, (May, 1980)

Solid-state electrochemical studies of the mixed conductor CuxMo6S8−y. I. Partial copper ion conductivity and chemical diffusion
Pages 259-267
G.J. Dudley, K.Y. Cheung, B.C.H. Steele
Solid-state electrochemical studies of the mixed conductor CuxMo6S8−y. II: Equilibrium partial thermodynamic properties
Pages 269-277
G.J. Dudley, K.Y. Cheung, B.C.H. Steele
Etude par diffraction de neutrons de la solution solide Pb1−xBixF2+x: Correlations entre structure et conductivité ionique
Pages 279-287
Claude Lucat, Josik Portier, Jean-Maurice Reau, Paul Hagenmuller, Jean-Louis Soubeyroux
Nouveaux oxydes à structure en feuillets: Les titanates de potassium non-stoechiométriques Kx(MyTi2−y)O4
Pages 289-296
D. Groult, C. Mercey, B. Raveau
Préparation et structure cristalline d'un nouvel oxychlorure d'uranium: Le dioxypentachlorodiuranium, U2O2Cl5
Pages 297-301
J.C. Levet, M. Potel, J.Y. Le Marouille
Correlation between ir spectra, X-ray diffraction, and distribution of structural vacancies in Fe3+[δFe1−3δ2+Fe(1−x)+2δ3+Mx3+]O42−-type spinels
Pages 303-310
B. Gillot, F. Bouton
The structure of the low-temperature ψ-modification of Cs2PbCu(NO2)6: A powder neutron diffraction study at 160 K
Pages 311-319
S. Klein, D. Reinen
A neutron diffraction investigation of deuterated Pd3P0.80
Pages 321-327
Y. Andersson, S. Rundqvist, R. Tellgren, J.O. Thomas, T.B. Flanagan
The crystal structure of β-BaFe2S4: The first member in the infinitely adaptive series Bap(Fe2S4)q
Pages 329-334
J.S. Swinnea, H. Steinfink
Electrical properties and structure of Cr-doped nonstoichiometric V2O3
Pages 335-342
H. Kuwamoto, J.M. Honig
Thermodynamics of ordering in β-lixV2O5 lithium-vanadium oxide bronzes
Pages 343-350
A.V. Popov, Yu. G. Metlin, Yu. D. Tretyakov
Magnetization and neutron study of BaVS31
Pages 351-356
J. Kelber, A.T. Aldred, G.H. Lander, M.H. Mueller, O. Massenet, G.D. Stucky
Ternary arsenides with LaFe4P12-type structure
Pages 357-363
Dieter J. Braun, Wolfgang Jeitschko
Filiation structurale des composés de formule générale AB2: Etude comparée des types Co2Si, Co2P, PbCl2, et SbSl
Pages 365-376
Jean Flahaut, Françoise Thévet
Electronic structure and anisotropy of X-ray emission spectra of NaV6O15 monocrystal
Pages 377-387
V.M. Cherkashenko, S.P. Freidman, V.A. Gubanov, E.Z. Kurmaev, V.L. Volkov, A.A. Fotiev
Abstracts of forthcoming articles
Pages 389-390
Author index for volume 32
Pages 391-392